英 [dʌɡ]美[dʌɡ]
- v. 挖,翻土(dig的过去式和过去分词)
- n. 雌性哺乳动物的乳房
- You've probably been sent here to spy out my latest designs.
- 你可能是被派来探听我的最新设计的.
- They have dug away the whole bank at this point.
- 他们在这地方把整个堤岸全挖开了.
- He dug a fork into the meat.
- 他把叉子叉入肉中.
- The truth was dug out.
- 真相被揭露出来了.
- The fighters steadily dug themselves in.
- 战士们沉着地挖掘战壕.
- The child dug his fingers into the sand.
- 小孩把手指插进沙里.
- Quite a number of valuable details were dug out of libraries and archives by the group of researchers.
- 这组研究人员从图书和档案资料中查找出一批相当有价值的详细资料.
- The injured men have been dug out of the snow.
- 受伤人员从雪中被挖了出来.
- He dug the ground with a spade.
- 他用锹挖地.
- They dug up their flower gardens to grow vegetables.
- 他们翻花园的土以种菜.
- They dug a dike along walls of the school.
- 他们沿校墙挖沟.
- They dug a pit to bury the rubbish.
- 他们挖了一个坑把垃圾埋掉.
- They dug another well in the village.
- 他们在村里又挖了一口井.
- The boys dug in ravenously.
- 男孩们开始狼吞虎咽地吃起来.
- He dug in his spurs.
- 他用马刺策马.
- The chemical fertilizer should be well dug in.
- 化学肥料应该均匀地混入土壤中.
- She went from place to place, and dug and weeded.
- 她到处走, 又挖土,又锄草.
- They dug a hole.
- 他们挖了一个坑.
- Some gold coins were dug out from the ground.
- 几枚金币从地下挖了出来.
- They dug a deep hole in the hillside.
- 他们在山坡上掏了一个深洞.
- The tyres dug into the grit as he swung the car off the road.
- 当他一个急转弯把车驶离马路时,轮胎陷进了沙子里。
- Our forces are dug in along the river.
- 我们的部队正沿河掘壕固守。
- He has dug up the tiles that cover the floor and left them in a heap.
- 他把地上铺的瓷砖掀了起来,堆成一堆。
- The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey.
- 男孩们挖了坑,埋了饵,这样他们就可以刺杀猎物了。
- She was barefoot and stones dug into her feet. "Ouch, ouch," she cried.
- 她光着脚被石头硌到了。“哎哟,哎哟,”她大声叫着。
- If you dug up an old medical book from the sixties, it would tell you that childhood leukemia is incurable.
- 如果找一本20世纪60年代的旧医学书出来的话,它会告诉你儿童白血病是不治之症。
- They dug trenches in their path and set booby traps.
- 他们在小路上挖深沟设饵雷。